Grants for the purchase of electric vehicles for legal entities in the Republic of Slovenia.

Grants for the purchase of electric vehicles for legal entities in the Republic of Slovenia.

In the framework of the EU Recovery and Resilience Plan, a public call for proposals was published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia on 30 August 2024, under which the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy, as the lead authority and implementer of the measure, and Borzen, as the outsourced technical […]

Start of Slovenian language courses at survival level for foreigners.

Start of Slovenian language courses at survival level for foreigners.

Language schools across Slovenia are bustling hubs these days. The language institute Didaktum (Jezikovni inštitut Didaktum) is running a Slovenian language programme at survival level in 40 locations across Slovenia. The programme has been available to eligible persons since the entry into force of the 2023 amendment to the Foreigners Act of Republic of Slovenia, […]

Social security contributions for the self-employed increased from February 2024.

Social security contributions for the self-employed increased from February 2024.

As a self-employed person, you pay your own social security contributions. You have to pay them by the 20th of the month for the previous month. What are the current amounts? The bureaucracy of paying your contributions is usually taken care of by an accountant, but you can also take care of your contributions using […]

Amendments and supplements to the Act on the Promotion of Investment (Domestic and Foreign) in the Republic of Slovenia.

Amendments and supplements to the Act on the Promotion of Investment (Domestic and Foreign) in the Republic of Slovenia.

The National Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia has recently adopted a proposal for amendments and additions to the Investment Promotion Act. According to the new law, it will be possible to apply under this law before registering a company in Slovenia. This is a step towards de-bureaucratisation and an additional incentive for foreign investors […]

The Republic of Slovenia will subsidise the purchase of electric bicycles for individuals and businesses from June 2024 with up to 4 million EUR.

The Republic of Slovenia will subsidise the purchase of electric bicycles for individuals and businesses from June 2024 ...

This year alone, the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy will spend €4 million to subsidise e-bikes. Subsidies will be available from June this year and are expected to cover up to 30% of the price. This is just one of twelve green tenders Slovenia will launch this year. They will cost € […]

The legislation governing the taxation of limited liability companies.

The legislation governing the taxation of limited liability companies.

The legislation governing the taxation of limited liability companies consists of the Corporate Income Tax Act (ZDDPO-2) and the Tax Procedure Act (ZDavP-2), which, together with sub-legislative acts, set the rules for corporate tax liability in Slovenia. These rules provide the basic framework for determining how limited liability companies are taxed for the purposes of […]