Quality of life in Slovenia

Slovenia boasts natural diversity of the landscape and facilities for meet different lifestyles and to cater for those enjoying the thrills of energetic pursuits and those preferring thermal spas, wellness treatments or simply relaxing on a day off or on holiday. According to the OECD Better Life Index, safety, work-life balance, community and health are the qualities most cherished by those living in Slovenia. Most Slovenians claim to be satisfied with their lives, despite falling incomes and

a mistrust of government. Sentiment is boosted by a perceived personal security, low crime and improved sense of well-being. The country nestling between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea provides the ideal environment for tourism in general and for medical tourism in particular.  Stunning locations are easily reached by road, air, rail and sea, people are friendly, fine food and excellent local wine – a potential still waiting to be developed.

Slovenia’s competitive advantages still have to be exploited

Gorenjska with its lakes and Alpine scenery, the unspoilt nature of Dolenjska, the medieval coastal towns, the underground grottoes, manor houses and castles … Those who visit Slovenia once usually become regular visitors and many decide to buy a second home here. Slovenia’s vicinity to attractions such as Venice, Vienna and Prague can attract visitors from far-flung places touring Europe, as well as investors in tourist infrastructure for value added and tapping new market segments

Colourful, vibrant and authentic Ljubljana is Slovenia’s administrative, business, education and cultural centre. There is the castle that dominates the historical town centre from 16th century with its narrow streets and baroque churches, the national opera, ballet, theatres and two symphonic orchestras plus world-class museums in and outside Ljubljana.

Ski slopes in winter and sea-side beaches in summer, golf courses and bridle paths are easily reached from Ljubljana. Health spas and wellness centres are perfect places to take the stress away at low cost.

The climate is perfect for outdoor enjoyment and recreation year round and there are many amateur and professional sports venues and events. Fans of trekking and mountain climbing will find the Julian Alps with Mt. Triglav (2,864 m) and Slovenia’s forest ecosystem, the third largest in Europe covering 60% of its territory, attractions that are hard to resist.

It is this mix of geographic location, education, creativity and willingness to adapt that visitors and business partners appreciate so much.

Source: InvestSlovenia 

Foto Source: Quality of life index; Numbeo, 2016