On 12 July 2024, the Slovenian Public Agency SPIRIT Slovenia published two calls for proposals on its website: www.spiritslovenia.si, for the co-financing of individual company participation in international trade fairs in 2024-2028 and for energy efficiency (EE) and decarbonisation in industry. Almost €52 million will be available for companies under both calls.

The first is the call for co-financing individual company participation in international fairs 2024-2028, which is aimed at companies wishing to diversify their business into foreign markets and/or to expand their existing activities in foreign markets and/or to present their products/services to potential foreign partners. The indicative total amount of funds available is up to EUR 9,562,500, which is divided between the individual submission deadlines, cohesion regions and fair locations. The maximum amount of co-financing is up to EUR 18,043 and depends on the size of the rented stand at the selected fair. There will be several application deadlines, the first of which is 4 September 2024.

The second is the call for tenders on Energy Efficiency and Industrial Decarbonisation, which aims to promote investments in energy efficiency and decarbonisation measures in industry to achieve savings in energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, helping to accelerate the green transition and increase resilience. Co-financing will be provided for the costs of investments in industrial decarbonisation, energy efficiency measures in industrial processes not linked to the operation of buildings, energy efficiency measures in buildings, and the promotion of renewable energy production, renewable hydrogen, biofuels and high-efficiency cogeneration. The indicative total amount of funding available is up to EUR 42 170 000, the deadline for applications is 15 October 2024.