The companies Plinovodi and Gazprom signed a Supplementary Agreement to the South Stream Slovenia LLC Shareholders Agreement, the final phase before the establishment of a joint project company. At the same time, work on the project, which is being carried out by Plinovodi and Gazprom in compliance with the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Russian Federation on Cooperation in Construction and Operation of the Gas Pipeline on the Territory of the Republic of Slovenia, is rapidly progressing.

The South Stream gas pipeline will enter Slovenia at Lendava, connect to the existing gas network at Kidričevo, and will probably cross the Italian border at Rateče. The pipeline in Slovenia will have a capacity of at least 25 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year, exceeding domestic consumption almost twentyfold. The one-billion euro investment is a great opportunity for the Slovenian economy, and an important step forward in the efforts for higher economic and employment growth.