Chapter IX: Family benefits

When are you entitled to family benefits?

Family benefits are cash benefits provided at childbirth, for further child raising and special  benefits for disabled children.

Parental Allowance

Parental Allowance (starševski dodatek) is financial assistance to parents who are not  entitled to parental benefits from the parental protection insurance scheme.

The duration of the entitlement to Parental Allowance is one year from the birth of the  child. As a rule, for the first 77 days after the birth the mother is entitled to the allowance. In  exceptional cases, the father or another person can exercise the entitlement to parental  allowance during the first 77 days after the birth of the child.  After 77 days, it can be exercised by either of the parents, mother or father, according to  their written agreement. The eligibility condition is that both individuals – i.e. the chosen  parent (or other person who is supporting the child) and the child itself – are EU citizens and  permanently reside in Slovenia. Additionally, no overlap with other benefits is allowed.

Childbirth Grant (Layette)

The Childbirth Grant (pomoč ob rojstvu otroka) is a one-time benefit for the purchase of  clothing and other necessities for a newborn whose father or mother is permanently  residing in Slovenia.

Child Benefit

Child Benefit (otroški dodatek) is paid to help parents provide for the maintenance and  education/training of a child. The condition is that income per family member is below  99% of the average national wage in Slovenia. Additionally, registered residence of the  child in Slovenia is required.

Child Benefit is paid to either of the parents for children under the age of 18, or 26 years if  they are in full-time education or training. Exceptionally, it might be prolonged, for  instance if the study lasts for 5 or 6 years or when, due to long illness or accident, the child  was prevented from completing the course in the prescribed period of time.

Large Family Allowance

Large Family Allowance (dodatek za veliko družino) is an annual benefit paid to families  with three or more children under the age of 18 (or 26 if they are in full-time education or  training). Its amount is higher for families with four or more children. Large Family  Allowance can be paid to either of the parents, as long as he or she resides permanently  with the children.

Special Childcare Allowance

Special Childcare Allowance (dodatek za nego otroka, ki potrebuje posebno nego in  varstvo) is a cash benefit intended to cover part of the increased cost of a family with a  child who requires special care.

This allowance is paid to one of the parents, if the child is a Slovenian (or EU) national and  has permanent residence in Slovenia. It is granted on the basis of an opinion of a special  medical board and paid until the child reaches the age of 18 or is in full-time education or  training. Exceptionally, the allowance is paid for children who are taken care of by others,  e.g. when they are in schooling or living in a foster family.

Partial Payment for Loss of Income

Partial Payment for Loss of Income (delno plačilo za izgubljeni dohodek) is paid to a

parent who has ceased or reduced work in order to care for a child with a severe physical

or mental disability. The conditions are permanent residence in Slovenia and EU citizenship

of the child and the parent.

What is covered?

Parental Allowance is a monthly flat-rate financial assistance, amounting to € 196.49 in  2011.  Instead of the Childbirth Grant a Layette (package of goods for the newborn) of  equivalent value (€ 280.75 in 2011) may be chosen.

The amount of Child Benefit depends on the family income (the lower the income the  higher the benefit) and the number of children in the family. The amount is increased by  an additional 10% for single parent families and 20% for pre-school children not attending  kindergarten.

In 2011 the Large Family Allowance amounts to € 393.46 for a family with three children. It is  higher for families with four or more children (€ 479.83).  The Special Childcare Allowance is paid as a monthly allowance of € 101.05 in 2011. It is  doubled (€ 202.17) for children with a severe physical or mental disability.  The monthly Partial Payment for Loss of Income is equal to the national minimum wage  (€ 748.10, or € 572.27 after taxes and contributions in 2011). If the parent starts to work parttime, the benefit is accordingly adjusted and paid as a proportion of the minimum wage.

How are family benefits accessed?

Family benefits are claimed at the regional Centre for Social Work. Applications for the  Parental Allowance must be submitted between 30 days before the expected date of  childbirth and 30 days after the birth of the child. Childbirth grant must be applied for  within 60 days after the birth of the child, or the entitlement is lost.

Child Benefit can be claimed by the child him/herself, if he or she is at least 18 years of  age. In this case the amount for the first child is paid, regardless of the actual number of  children in the family. The entitlement is granted for one year at a time, and it should be  lodged within 90 days following the birth of the child. After that it could only be claimed

from the first day of the following month after submitting the application. If the beneficiary  wishes to continue receiving the benefit without interruption, he or she must submit a new  application during the final month of each benefit period.

Large Family Allowance has to be applied for no later than 15 July each year. After that  date, the entitlement ceases. It might be granted ex officio by the Centre for Social Work,  if the family is entitled to a Child Benefit.  Special Childcare Allowance must be applied for within 90 days from the date of birth. If  this does not happen, the allowance is paid from the first day of the month following the  application.


Your right to family benefits when moving within Europe

Characteristics and amounts of family benefits vary considerably from one state to  another.∗

It is therefore important for you to know which state is responsible for providing  you with these benefits and what the conditions to entitlement are. You can find the  general principles for determining the competent legislation at

The country which is responsible for paying family benefits must take into account periods  of insurance completed under the legislation of any other countries of the European  Union, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, if this is necessary to satisfy the  conditions governing entitlement to the benefit.

If a family is entitled to benefits under the legislation of more than one country, they will, in  principle, receive the highest amount of benefits provided for under the legislation of one  of these countries. In other words, the family is treated as if all persons concerned resided  and were insured in the state with the most favourable legislation.

Family benefits may not be paid twice over the same period and for the same family  member. There are priority rules which provide for the suspension of benefits from one  country up to the amount of those paid by the country which is primarily competent for  payment.

Further information about the coordination of social security rights when moving or  travelling can be found at