Slovenia has launched a new public call, making a total of €60 million available for new investments in solar power plants and electricity storage.

Eligible beneficiaries are legal persons, cooperatives and natural persons carrying out an activity.

The subsidy will be granted for investments in the purchase and installation of new production plant or new production plant combined with a new attached storage tank, for:

• generating electricity from photovoltaic or other solar energy,

• an electricity storage unit attached to the new generating plant.

How much subsidy can be received.

The maximum aid is defined in euro per kilowatt of connected capacity for generating installations and in euro per kilowatt-hour of energy storage capacity and is set for each type of installation separately.

1. Type A – electricity production from photovoltaic or other solar energy.

Capacity limit for large enterprises – 1 MW, for medium-sized enterprises – 6 MW.

Limiting the connection capacity of a generating installation for micro, small and community enterprises is 6 MW.

Maximum aid amount per connection power or capacity is depending on type of device:

• A 1.1. photovoltaic power plant – EUR 180/kWe.

• A 1.2 photovoltaic power plant – free-standing – EUR 215/kWe.

• A 1.3. photovoltaic power plant with cultural protection consent – 350 EUR/kWe.

• A 1.4. a photovoltaic power plant to cover the external uncovered parking spaces – EUR 350 /kWe.

• A 1.5. community photovoltaic power plant – EUR 250/kWe.

2. Type B – Electricity storage.

Maximum aid amount per connection power or capacity is EUR 225/kWe.

Capacity limit is linked to the power of the device.

Applications are open from 8 July.

The aid amount is calculated on the basis of the individual grant, according to the technology and the actual total cost of the project, and is: up to 45 % of the total cost for large enterprises, up to 55 % of the total cost for medium-sized enterprises and up to 65 % of the total cost for micro and small enterprises.

For more information: [email protected].